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Don’t Make These 5 Mistakes As A Content Creator

I began making adult content at the beginning of 2018, and wow have I learnt a lot! Below I’ll reveal 5 mistakes you don’t want to make as a content creator and how you can help avoid them. Always remember, with every screw up comes wisdom! Don’t let your fear of getting things wrong to stop you from trying new and exciting things. If we aren’t making mistakes, we aren’t growing!

1) Don’t Work Until You Get Paid

“Money, money, dollah bills y’all”

That’s what you should be saying before you lift a finger for any custom work! NO EXCEPTIONS. When a person inquires about custom work, you need to make them pay IN FULL before you do anything else. If for some reason they are paying you via sending gifts, then you need to make sure to wait until you have those gifts physically in your hands. More often than not, you’ll make the content and your customer ghosts you. Now you’re robbed of your time, and time is money.

2) Establish Firm Boundaries

Boundaries are an important part of life, no matter what you are doing. It’s important to understand what you are ok with doing, and what you are not. Allow yourself time to think about this and determine what goes where. If you hate what you are doing, it’s going to show in the content and you will suffer quality. Plus, who likes that icky feeling of guilt when you do something outside of your boundaries? Definitely not me. Can you change your boundaries later on? Of coarse! When I first started, I was ok with making masturbation clips, now I’m not and don’t offer it. What we are comfortable with doing can change at anytime and honestly I don’t need to explain my reasons to anyone, and neither do you.

3) Don’t Completely Shut Down Your Unused Clip Accounts

Part of being a content creator means finding out which content sites to sell from. For most people, you don’t just upload content to one website. You want to diversify your reach for a larger audience. You want as many eyes on your name as possible in hopes some of those eyes lead to sales. For various reasons, it can come to the day we no longer want to upload to a website anymore. Normally you’d request your account be shut down, and then your profile is gone, which means people can no longer find you on that website. INSTEAD, just remove all of your content, remove any services, items, etc so that no one can actually purchase anything. Then when people find you, they will see they can’t purchase anything and may seek you out through your website. It’s SUPER IMPORTANT to make your website both CLEAR and CLICKABLE. Which brings me to my next point…


No, I’m not joking. If you are serious about treating this as an actual career and making money— Make your website like yesterday. It’s very inexpensive to buy a domain, some web hosting, and start your own WordPress website which is your traffic goldmine. I missed out on a lot of money by not setting mine up sooner. It seems daunting if it’s the first time ever doing something like this, but if you’re not willing to put in the effort, don’t expect huge rewards. Your website doesn’t even need to be all that fancy. As long as it has information on how to contact you and buy your content, you’re golden! You can always add options and make things fancier later. When you get stuck, YouTube is your best friend! Do you know what else is your best friend?

5) Learn From Others Mistakes

You don’t have to do everything, and learn everything, on your own. It’s ok to get some help! Remember when I said that mistakes make you grow? While that’s still true, what if we could avoid some of those mistakes by learning from other content creators? That’s where paying for consultations and workshops can be the best thing you ever do. They’re like knowledge shortcuts that can save you a large amount of time and costly errors.

And for the love of all things, do not let information go in one ear and out the other. You can’t claim something didn’t work if you put ZERO effort into applying what you’ve learned. I can’t count how many times I’ve seen people with all the tools for success, but then won’t actually use any of it because, “it’s too hard, it’s too much work.” Wahhh. But I digress.

It can be difficult to find people that are reputable and not someone that is using their popularity to sell bottom of the barrel advice. After awhile, you start to recognize who is legitimate. One of those people is Amberly Rothfield! She provides excellent consultations and knowledgeable content at a very reasonable price (yes she’s worth every penny). She is the kind of person that always goes above and beyond to help people that truly want to help themselves. Frequently Amberly announces leads on good social sites to be on, helpful books to read, and an abundance of other knowledge nuggets! Don’t put off networking with knowledgeable and talented people.

Click on the link below to buy her book from Amazon, and I promise you will not regret it!

How About Some Referrals?

On my website, I have laid out some brief information about clip sites and services I highly recommend! In the beginning, it can be hard to weed out which websites to use. Through trial and error, you end up learning from your mistakes, but wasting a lot of time. Read my referral list and do research on each clip site you would like to work with. Even a small amount of research can help you avoid making some newbie content creator mistakes! If you’d like to sign up with any of them, I have direct links to get you started here.