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Let’s Talk About Why People Hate Porn

Now that I am in the adult industry, and I see no end in sight, I have to wonder why people hate this industry so much. I do have a few theories…


My first theory is that people develop insecurities. Back when I was a stupid, ignorant Christian girl, I had a boyfriend who ended up being my first husband (excuse me while I go puke). This pile of turkey shit cheated on me constantly, would watch porn, buy porn site subscriptions, buy lap dances, and Lord knows what else honestly. A lot of this would happen while I was working in Nursing on my overnight shifts, and he’d use MY paychecks for all this shit. I admit that during this time, I despised porn and all things in adult entertainment for a very long time. Until I became a stripper, in fact. But I digress. I was going to work to literally be shit on by people, and then I come home to my money missing because my husband was dumb enough to think I wouldn’t notice hundreds of dollars missing from our account (facepalm). I really developed a biased view towards it. Instead of blaming my piss bag husband, I had misdirected anger towards all the things he was using. In a way, I do understand how someone could really feel hurt, and truly hate porn and the such. In reality, it’s the shit bag you should be mad at, whether male or female, they are the ones that are screwing up your trust, and failing to communicate. Not the porn. Don’t blame porn because your significant other can’t keep it in their pants, and practice an ounce of self control. I think we would rather blame someone else than come to the conclusion your boyfriend/girlfriend just isn’t that into you, because it truly is a heartbreaking truth to come to terms with.

I think that communication is so important if you want adult entertainment in your relationship. It seems to be such a huge issue for couples. I know that I used to be hurt because it made me feel like I wasn’t enough. Wasn’t pretty enough, wasn’t having sex enough, wasn’t this, wasn’t that. When in actuality I was looking way too deep into it. My ex-husband I guess did push the mentality that I wasn’t good enough and that’s why he did all the things he did, but again, HUGE shit bag. I really hope that isn’t the case for most people, because it sucks so bad. My current partner had watched porn early in our relationship and I was devastated because I was still stuck in that “not good enough” mindset. Now, I could not give a shit. Don’t even care. I know he thinks I’m sexy, I know he loves me, I know he would communicate to me about something we needed to work on. Insecurities, jealousy, and lack of communication are a huge reason for the stigma against porn and adult entertainment in general. People just don’t want to admit it. And if you still don’t feel comfortable with your significant other watching porn of other people, maybe make your own for just their eyes. It’s a fun thing actually; try it once!

Religious Backing

My next theory about why people hate porn, is because of religion. I know for Abrahamic religions especially, they are not cool with it. Growing up as a Christian, porn might as well have been made by Satan himself. Even masturbation was totally unacceptable. They’d be throwing Holy Water and a Kings James Version at you faster than you could finish saying the word “masturbate”. I remember being told that even fantasizing about someone other than your spouse was fornication. You weren’t even safe in your own damn mind! Thinking back, I bet the people that preached how evil porn was the most, probably had stacks of porn. They probably gutted one of those giant bibles they had and stuffed it full of all kinds of porn shit. Maybe a hidden file in their computer with a folder called “Accounting”. Who. Knows.

Shame and Guilt

My other theory is guilt. I think there are a lot of people out there that might feel some cognitive dissonance, for example: Politicians. We all know politicians are horndogs. They love escorts, strippers, porn; the dirtiest of the dirty. Because as much as we don’t want to admit it, they are people too. They like to play with their junk, suck dick, get sucked off, get pissed on, all that kinky shit. We know this, because for some ungodly reason, it’s super important to know what politicians are doing with their genitals. I guess I don’t really understand why we determine someone’s ability to run their office based on their sexual preferences and kinks. I’m pretty sure Kathy in HR can still do her job just fine even though she likes to be locked in a dog kennel on the weekends. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, “Your kink does not define you.” Honestly, I think we need to start judging people who only do missionary sex. Try something new for fuck’s sake! This mentality that what you do in your sex life determines what kind of person you are is complete nonsense, and it does add to the stigma. Personally, I feel that there are way bigger things to worry about, and way better ways to gauge a person’s character.

I do hope we can get away from thinking that people who indulge in adult entertainment are untrustworthy, gross, perverted, and the like. Blaming porn is a scapegoat to a much bigger issue. Sexuality is a normal part of life, and it’s silly that we keep trying to deny it.