Leena Mae© 2024 - All rights reserved.


Yup, I Said It

When I hear that phrase I instantly think of some inebriated, shirtless man with a bandana around his forehead, doing annoying and dangerous things as he screams “YOLO!!!” and spills his beer on everything. But I assure you, this is not what I’m going to talk about. When I say YOLO, I’m actually talking about the deeper meaning.

You Only Live Once

The Earth we live on is 4.5 billion years old. Humans live for about, on average, 80 years. I want you to try and comprehend how small and insignificant that is compared to the age of our planet. It’s extremely difficult to grasp the magnitude of that number because it is so great. We live for such a small amount of time. Our life on this earth is but a small breeze before it settles down and is gone. So, my question to you is: Have you lived? Are you truly living your life to the fullest based on how you want to live it, or because of how other people want you to live it?
We face so much pressure from society, family, and even our own friends. There’s this pressure to fit inside a “normal” mold and you are very odd if you go outside of it. You are supposed to go to college after high school. Then you need to find a job in that field after you graduate that is respectable to society. You need a new car, own some kind of property, get married, have kids, have missionary sex, not be poor, no debt, and just be all around… bland.

It really does amaze me sometimes to see what people shame others for. Like necessary medication use, what college degree they choose, their clothing style, what entertainment they watch, and the list goes on. What I don’t, and will never, understand is why we are shamed for being unique. I mean really, think about what the world would be like if every single person in the world acted, looked, and behaved the same exact way. To some that sounds like heaven, but honestly that would be painfully boring and unproductive. We need that uniqueness. It’s part of being human!

Uniqueness = Human

One of the huge reasons why I love working with fetishes, is because there are so many different kinds. A lot of people are quite embarrassed, even ashamed, but I love that they are cut from a different cloth. It makes my job so much more interesting! It just makes life in general more interesting. It seems like it’s one of those things that people keep to themselves though. They don’t want people knowing they are into fart porn, because they will get made fun of. I get it, but at the same time, why deny yourself something all because other people think it’s a little different? For all you know, the person making fun of you because of your fetish, deep down has the same fetish but they just don’t want to admit it. Or they fetishize something equally as “abnormal” and are projecting their own insecurities. If you are curious about trying something out, I implore you to try it at least once. You may find it’s not for you, or you may love it. Either conclusion is perfectly fine. At least you can look back on your life and see all the things you tried, instead of wondering what would have happened if you did.

Not Just Fetishes, But Overall LIFE

I have a good friend, who doesn’t talk to me anymore because she stayed in the strict cult-like religion we grew up around, and I had decided to leave it. Because of her family and other people in the religion, they pressured her into feeling like it was best to stop talking to me all together, even though we were best friends since childhood. I truly believe that if it weren’t for the ungodly pressure she faces daily to be a perfect, servant of god in that religion from everyone, that she would be out of it with the other 75% of our childhood friend group that has all left and are living our own lives. I remember in high school she was looking into going to a 2 year college to get a degree in radiologic technology. I was over the moon about her enthusiasm, and I backed her 100% and was helping her look at the brochure she had gotten. I’ll never forget the confusion, frustration, and anger when her father walked into the kitchen where we were sitting and told her how that would take away from her missionary work in the religion. You could literally see the confliction and sadness wash over her. Ultimately, she did not enter the program. Well over 10 years later, and even though she won’t contact me anymore, I am still upset over witnessing that. Of course that was not the only time I had seen my best friend’s dreams and aspirations crushed to pieces, but that life moment stuck out to me the most. She was (is) a very meek, subservient person, and I was the the head strong, dominant personality. In a way, we were actually perfect friends. She would be anxious about trying something, and my adventurous ass would literally take her by the hand and run with her to do the thing. I brought out the daringness and life in her, and in turn she also kept me down to earth when I was wanting to rocket past the moon. But I digress, the point is that she unfortunately allowed others to shape what she was going to do with her life. She has, and still will, miss out on so much living, so many experiences, and life adventures all because of other people shaping what is acceptable and what is not.

I’m telling you to take the chance. Say “no”. Stand up and say, “This is who I am, and this is what I’m going to do for ME.” It can be whatever in your life, large or small. Just take the chance and do it. 7 billion people are on this earth, and I’m telling you that it is ok to break away from the mold. Be the daisy in the rose garden. Stand out and shine, because we are here for a ridiculously short time.