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The Many Faces of Success

The Struggle To Success Is Real

No matter what you are doing in life, you want to be successful. There are many faces of success. Whether you are starting a new job, picking up a new hobby, adopting a pet, having a child… You obviously don’t want to fail. I think some people, including myself, tend to go overboard and we get so focused on success. When there’s a bump in the road, it can really hurt. More than it should sometimes because we are expecting perfection, and when we don’t achieve it, we feel like a complete failure.

It can be daunting to release new clips and see that they did not sell well, or maybe not at all. You think it was a great idea, and then it epically flops. It sucks! It can be a blow that puts you in a negative headspace.

“Am I cut out for this?”

“Should I just say screw it and give up?”

Failure Is The Road To Success

When you fail, you know that you need to do something a bit different. That next thing could also fail, but again, that’s another thing you know doesn’t work. You’re bound to get it right eventually, and it sure does feel amazing when you finally get it right after working on it for so long.

When I first started making clips, I was trying all kinds of things. My clips would sell here and there. Or sometimes I’d see there was an interest, but somewhere I had missed the mark so they didn’t purchase. I can’t even count how many different clip categories I have made at least one clip in. Seriously! Just look at my Clips4Sale and you’ll see what I mean. Both vanilla and fetish! It took me about a year to finally find a niche that meshed well with me, and I could actually sell it.

I put myself out there and tried many different things that ended up not working for me. Eventually, I found my road of success. There were a few times where I wanted to quit making clips. Making $200 a month was not going to pay my bills, and I was discouraged often. But I was tired of killing myself working high stress jobs where I had to work under others and be on a strict schedule. I was never meant for the 9-5. Persistence paid off!

When To Quit

One of the hardest things to do, is to realize that quitting is the answer. Quitting is socially looked down on for the most part. Being a quitter means you’re lame. I’m telling you that it’s not always the case. Sometimes we need to quit to move on. We need to quit to succeed.

If something just is not working, if you are constantly in negative mindsets, if you are straight up miserable… Quitting could be exactly what you need to succeed. There’s no reason to go through life miserable. It’s okay to say, “I’m done.” You are not a failure because you realize something is not working for you. If you’ve tried all you can think of, and it still just isn’t working out, walking away could be the best thing you do. Sometimes we are in the wrong place at the wrong time, and we come back to it later and it turns out to be the right time!

Whether you are making clips and you’ve tried to make a category work for you, but nothing you try is selling, it could be time to focus on a different category. Or if you’ve been going to school for something that you once thought you loved, but it turns out you dread getting up to do it every morning, you might be better off finding a different degree. If you would rather get hit by a bus on the way to work than have to go through another shift, you might want to look at your options.

Would You Like Some Tips For The Road To Success?

Small changes lead to great successes. When you see what is working, keep doing it! If you’re feeling negative, try to think of how you can turn it into something positive. Our mindset is so important for productivity, and quality of life in general. I believe in you, believe in yourself too!

If you are a content creator in the adult industry, I might have another article that could benefit you! Sometimes all we need is a few good tips to put us on the road to success. I just so happen to have 5 tips for success right here.